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Hello! Welcome to my website. I have been working on many changes and I can only hope the majority of visitors appreciate the new look. There will be more on-going changes than in the past, as I devote more time to this project. Please feel free to take a look through the links below. I'll likely be adding even more in the near future.

Since some people prefer frames which spawn new browser windows when clicked, I have decided to do that "PC" thing and offer a choice to you, the viewer. If you'd rather navigate the site with frames, click on the Frames link, below. If you have ever had any problems getting around the site, the frames option will always guarantee a way back to the main frames page. *SMILE*

Jared "Jed" Handspicker, Webmaster

Use the following search engine to search entire contents of this website:

To see what I've been working on, around this website, please choose any of the links below. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or comments.

My Genealogy

Handspiker Surname Resource Center

My Resume

My Poetry

My Photos

NSHS '76

Some Midis

E-mail Me


I tried adding a few Google Gadgets, but only the Wikipedia one works as I'd like. The other two failed miserably, so I've removed them.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Page Created 16 Mar 02
Last Updated: 30 Apr 08